We Are Running Out Of TIME!
Our Glorius and Unique Mother Provides Myriads of Gifts that if Used Wisely and With Care to Preserve Her, Nourishe Us, Provide for Our Comfort and Safety, as well as Provides for Our Technolgy and Hunger for Growth... How do We Repay Her? We Drill Holes into her Skin...Peel Her Skin Awaya, Layer by Layer...Force Fluids Into Her in order to Extract Her Vital Lubricants... Why do You Think there have been Many Earthquakes around Fracking areas...Our Mother is In Pain! We bury Our Waste and Chemicals Deep under Her Skin, Allowing them to Seep into Her Body...Our Mother is Incredibly Rare in the Universe and Her Sanctity Must be Respected...We Must Heal Our Mothers Ecosystem Now! Welcome H.O.M.E...